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Poignant end to Brent Charlie operations

The Brent oil and gas field, a 50:50 joint venture between Shell (operator) and Esso Exploration and Production UK (Esso) lies 186kms north-east of the Shetland Islands in the North Sea. It has been a cornerstone of the UK’s hugely successful oil and gas industry for almost 40 years.
Now, after many years of service to the UK, the Brent field has reached retirement as its four platforms and their related infrastructure are decommissioned – a complex, major engineering project that will take over 10 years to complete.
Evander MacRae, Brent Charlie Offshore Installation Manager for Shell UK Limited had the privilege of turning the keys to shut down the last generator and isolate the UPS systems onboard. He then handed over responsibility for monitoring the Field to the Master and crew of the emergency response and rescue vessel (ERRV) 'Grampian Discovery' who will watch over it until completion of the planned topsides removal next year.
In his morning report of 6 October, Evander said: “This last week has flown by and thankfully not given us the time to dwell on what the last flight from Brent Charlie means to so many. I'm sure emotions will begin to show as we fly South and meet up with the wider team who have supported us over the last number of years.”
His was the last of some 15,700 morning reports sent from the Brent Charlie Platform, and the last from the Brent Field. The end of an era indeed.