

Sean Barry, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Fawley

Adrian Benson, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Home-Based

Rasmita Bharkhda, EMIL, Leatherhead

Rosemary Bishop, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Leatherhead

Jaqueline Bond, EMIL, Leatherhead

Kim Bosworth, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Leatherhead

Stephen Bown, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Leatherhead

William Boyland, EM Chemical Ltd (Fawley), Fawley

Rupert Bravery, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Home-Based

Mark Brenton, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Fawley

Michael Briggs, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Leatherhead

Michael Brown, AES, Newport

Timothy Bull, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Fawley

Christopher Chajecki, EMIL, Leatherhead

John Clark, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Expat

Sally Clark, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Leatherhead

Elizabeth Clifford, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Leatherhead

Paul Coldridge, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Expat

Stephen Cook, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Rotators

Robert Cooper, EMIL, Leatherhead

Christopher Crane, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Expat

John Crowhurst, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Leatherhead

Anthony Cummins, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Fawley

Jonathan Daniels, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Home-Based

John Dimmer, EMIL, Leatherhead

Cheryl Edwardes, EMIL, Leatherhead

Jonathan Fisher, EM Chemical Ltd (Fawley), Fawley

Robert Fisher, EMIL, Home-Based

Peter Gammon, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Fawley

Lesley Gilbert, EMIL, Leatherhead

Ian Giles, AES, Newport

Timothy Good, EMIL, Leatherhead

Iain Graham, EMIL, Other Uk Locati

Megan Graham, EMIL, Leatherhead

Paul Hancock, EM Eng Europe Ltd, Fawley

Michael Heard, EMIL, Leatherhead

Martin Hill, EM Eng Europe Ltd, Fawley

Teresa Hill, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Leatherhead

Peter Homonko, EMIL, Leatherhead

David Hopkins, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Leatherhead

Sally Humble, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Leatherhead

David Huxley, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Fawley

Karl Jackson, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Rotators

Alec John, EM Chemical Ltd (Fawley), Fawley

Helen Kallagher, EMIL, Leatherhead

Peter Kearns, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Home-Based

Bernard Kidger, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Leatherhead

David Le Brocq, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Leatherhead

Neil Lever, EM Eng Europe Ltd, Fawley

Tony Lewis, AES, Newport

Charles Loane, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Home-Based

Katharine Lodge, EMIL, Leatherhead

Paul Long, EM Chemical Ltd (Fawley), Fawley

Claire Madden, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Expat

Russell Martin, EM Chemical Ltd (Fawley), Fawley

Michael McAndrew, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Fawley

Vincent McDonald, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Fawley

Marcus McIlfatrick, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Home-Based

Ian McKissock, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Leatherhead

Ian Mitchell, EMIL, Leatherhead

Karen Motchman, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Leatherhead

Alan O Hanlon, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Fawley

Brian O'Donnell, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Expat

Carl Oliver, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Fawley

Sara Orpen, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Leatherhead

Paula Packer, EM Chemical Ltd (Fawley), Fawley

Sean Payne, EM Chemical Ltd (Fawley), Fawley

Ingrid Pedersen, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, West London Ter

Andrew Pierce, EMIL, Leatherhead

John Pillar, EMIL, Leatherhead

Gordon Powell, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Leatherhead

Stewart Purves, EMIL, Inner London

Adrian Roberts, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Home-Based

Robert Ruddick, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Leatherhead

Ian Saikia, EMIL, Leatherhead

Steven Scott, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Leatherhead

Peter Scrimgeour, EM Chemical Ltd (Fife), Fife Ethylene P

Graham Seaman, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Leatherhead

Derek Selby, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Home-Based

James Sevier, EM Chemical Ltd (Fawley), Fawley

Michael Smith, EMIL, Leatherhead

John Smith, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Home-Based

Trevor Smith, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Leatherhead

Nigel Stanbury, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Expat

Neil Stevenson, EMIL, Home-Based

George Stylianides, EMIL, Aberdeen

Jeffrey Waddington, EM Chemical Ltd (Fawley), Fawley

Stephen Walker, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Home-Based

Colin Walters, Mobil Marine Lubes, Home-Based

Andrew Warren, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Home-Based

Robert Warren, EMIL, Leatherhead

Jane Waterman, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Leatherhead

Neil Watson, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Home-Based

Mark Wentworth, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Purfleet

David Wilkinson, EMIL, Leatherhead

Anthony Williams, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Fawley

Ian Woodhouse, Esso Petroleum Company Ltd, Fawley

Colleen Yonoff, EM Eng Europe Ltd, Fawley

Also in this issue

FAST  preserving the future

FAST – preserving the future

Although Fawley’s FAST project has been temporarily postponed, work continues at pace to ensure the project is well placed upon restart. Newsline has spoken to Yuri Cordy, project manager to discover what’s been happening to store and preserve the equipment already procured.
Remediation works are set to begin at Bowling

Remediation works are set to begin at Bowling

Preparation and construction works are due to start this month (May) at a significant former industrial site in Bowling near Glasgow after a year-long delay due to COVID-19. As part of the land sale agreement, ExxonMobil will remediate the site, which was previously home to an Esso oil terminal. The land is now part of the Glasgow City Region Deal project and will be transformed by the buyer into a major industrial and commercial development and bypass.
EMBRACE  its time to talk

EMBRACE – it’s time to talk

Conversations about race can sometimes feel uncomfortable – but that’s no reason not to speak out. Newsline recently spoke with Bhonae Tayali, EMIT digital support advisor, of the EMBRACE Network about its latest activities, which seek to show why we must actively listen, learn and talk about the experiences of our colleagues from ethnic minority backgrounds, in order to live out the ExxonMobil value of being inclusive.
Project protects nesting oyster catchers

Project protects nesting oyster catchers

Project planners at our Fife Ethylene Plant considered many different scenarios in the run up to the current £140m upgrade – but discovering a protected bird’s nest wasn’t one of them!
Fawley prepares for 70th anniversary celebrations

Fawley prepares for 70th anniversary celebrations

Preparations are underway to mark the 70th anniversary of the ‘new’ refinery at Fawley in September. Newsline spoke to Alison Jones, Fawley community manager, who is helping to co-ordinate the celebrations with Fawley’s Behaviours and Culture team.

“Everything at Fawley has 70th anniversary branding this year,” says Alison. “The 10 large information boards displayed in Fawley’s conference centre are being upgraded to mark the anniversary and digital signage is being used across the site. New photographs have been commissioned to hang throughout the administration building too.