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Kathy Mikells visits Fawley for FAST update and open forum

Kathy’s trip to the south coast included a management briefing with updates on the FAST project and The Solent Cluster, and an open forum with staff in the presentation theatre.
At the open forum Kathy explained to staff how she previously worked for six years in the UK with another employer, how she enjoyed her time in this country (particularly afternoon teas) and still has plenty of good friends from that time.
Nick Bone, Fawley manager, acted as host for the open forum, and began the event by asking Kathy a series of questions:
- About her background and leadership style
- How our corporate strategy is developing, drawing on our base capabilities to help solve the climate challenge
- How the investment community has responded to our recent performance, including CCS contract wins, the move into Lithium production and how we have fared compared with our peers
- How our Product Solutions business fits within the corporate strategy
- And reflections on her visit to Fawley, including the opportunities to build a Low Carbon Solutions business in the UK, particularly The Solent Cluster.
The discussion was then opened up to include questions from the audience:
- What Kathy is hearing from investors about our company?
- The Low Carbon Solutions business has been described as a natural hedge for the uncertainty facing our fuels business. Is it more than that now?
- How our Trading business is faring?
- How are we improving efficiency at ExxonMobil, particularly the centralisation of processes?
- In what ways Kathy’s perceptions of ExxonMobil have changed since joining the company?
- How important benchmarking is to strategic planning at ExxonMobil?
The event was recorded on video and you can click on the following links to see the event in full, or to see Kathy’s response to particular questions.